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  • Raymond


    válasz M3nyus #4040 üzenetére

    Sajnos nem eri meg: [link]

    "I should delay no longer: clearly the critical question is that of image quality. Yes, in all honesty the picture is sharper and clearer than either of the major headsets. It’s comparable to looking at 1080p where Vivulus is like watching 720p. Not relevalatory in practice, but enough to shift it from “if I squint I can just..” to “oh hey, I can see basically clearly.” This is a big win in theory. There is no screen door effect to speak of, and text is more legible – if, big if, you can coax its pupil distance adjustment feature in the software into working correctly. Right now, it’s bugged to hell, but forthcoming updates may or may not address this. It’s close to where it needs to be when I wear my glasses, but maybe too sharply in focus, which incites near-instant headaches, while without glasses or with contact lenses I can tune down the intensity but can’t escape some blur. Browsing forums, it seems this is due for a fix, so fingers crossed.

    A more severe issue is that, while stuff looks fairly sharp if you’re looking at it dead-on, turning your head even a little or flicking your eyes fast is hoo-boy territory. Edges and text swim for a micro-second, long enough that you’re aware of your eyes adjusting, and given this is something you’re going to do hundreds of times during one session, it’s a huge downside. I’m not well-versed enough in the under-the-hood stuff to be able to say if this is down to the lower 60Hz refresh rate or pupil swim issues resulting from the shape and design of the lenses, but I can speak to the effects, which sadly are fairly unpleasant fairly quickly. Sickness and head/eyeache, basically, particularly the latter. For the record, I did conscript an independent volunteer to test the headset too, because I would be the first to admit to a certain motion sickness vulnerability, and he reported the same physical issues as I did, very quickly."

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  • Márton


    válasz M3nyus #4040 üzenetére

    nem oculus termék, de mégis mennek a rá írt programok?
    hogy is van ez?

    Emlékszem, mikor meglátogattam a vidéken élő nagymamámat, azt mondta: "fiam, egy napon még emberek fogják pazarolni az idejüket arra, hogy elolvassák amit írsz"

  • Menthirist


    válasz M3nyus #4040 üzenetére

    60 hz... gagyi. a minőségi vr 90-nél kezdődik.

    Star Citizen FAQ (Mielőtt kérdeznél)

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