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  • Menthirist


    válasz Dyingsoul #9029 üzenetére

    "Copy and paste from what I wrote on reddit:

    First off, I never played the pancake version (as the developer jokingly put it) of the game but my first hour was incredible fun. The game is super beautiful (maybe the best looking VR game I played yet, even compared to Robo Recall or Lone Echo), the atmosphere is fantastic (and VR adds a lot to the titles immersion) and the first few puzzles were fun and engaging.

    What blew me away though was the option menu of all things, because it is one that is truly worthy of a PC AAA title instead of a PC VR AAA title. Nothing comes close to how polished it feels (except the scroll bars); no Steam VR indie title and no Oculus Studio release. There is an auto detect functionality for the performance stuff, individual presets for GPU performance, VRAM and CPU performance as well as a few dozen options in each category with everything from Ambient Occlusion, the number of internal sound channels, multiple shadow implementations, the ability to switch sound API and so forth. And of course the game supports MSAA (up to 8) as well as allows to set render scale in game. Take that blurry as ♥♥♥♥ Obduction as well as all those titles that make me use third party tools (Oculus Tray Tool or Open VR Advance Settings) to set render scale.

    All of those take effect immediately and if the renderer needs to restart it does so on its own within a few seconds and w/o you loosing your progress. And this is even true for the ingame (!) option to switch between Steam VR and Oculus SDK (performance seems on par as expected btw...). Take that Bridge Crew and Arizona Sunshine!

    When it comes to locomotion, the game supports everything from full locomotion, teleport and blink. Not only that of course, you have a few additional comfort and immersive options. Want full locomotion but something more comfortable? Turn on a reducing FOV while moving (of course you can adjust its level to your liking). Don't have a Rift 360 setup or not enough space to turn around? How about snap turning. Want smooth rotation, they got you covered. And of course, full locomotion is per default controller bound like Onward (take that Mage's Tale), but you can also choose to have it bound to your head direction or play space based (no idea, haven't tried it).

    What adds a lot to the graphic is the existence of not only multiple post process color profiles (I use vivid) but also contrast, brightness, saturation and gamma sliders! Oh god, I can't even start to express how much I missed a higher contrast picture in VR, especially (but certainly not limited) for games that I played already on my monitor before (like iRacing). Why the ♥♥♥♥ have both Oculus and Valve decided for us that something like that is not needed in VR? Any theoretical possibility to fine tune a games visuals exactly thanks to knowing what VR headset an users has (and the lack of ambient light) never came to fruition and with most games these days being multi platform and a lot more Steam VR headsets coming out in the near future (actually Windows MR released today IIRC) its doubtful that this will ever happen. None of that accounts for player preference anyway. I prefer more saturation and a bit crushed shadows a lot no matter how much the developer fine tunes the composition for a Rift headset (not even mentioning differences in OLED panels).

    What is the point of this post? Not completely sure. Probably just to make people aware that Talos Principle is really polished and a cry towards Oculus, Valve and individual game developers to remember that PC players actually value options and customization."

    Star Citizen FAQ http://starcitizen.hu/star-citizen-faq-az-ujaknak/ (Mielőtt kérdeznél)

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